Answered By: Sally Hand
Last Updated: Jul 08, 2024     Views: 241

Submission of Doctoral and Masters by Research theses to Victoria University Research Repository (VURR) is coordinated by the Graduate Research School (GRS). Theses are submitted to GRS, who send it to Repository staff for inclusion in the Repository.

·       Doctoral and Masters by Research theses cannot be submitted directly to the Repository.

·       Qualifying students must complete a VURR Submission form for Theses (Research) as part of the GRS thesis deposit process.

·       Students lodging an electronic copy of a thesis with a completed VURR submission form agree to allow the Library to store and make this material available to the public in electronic format.

·       Restriction of access to full text of submitted theses may be possible in specific cases. In order for access to the full text to be restricted, contact must be initiated by the author with GRS and a Restricted Access to a Thesis form completed and submitted. GRS will be responsible for approving restrictions and will advise the Library as appropriate.


You can find out more information by contacting Graduate Research School (GRS), or the Victoria University Research Repository team at or by visiting the Thesis classification webpage.


Please note: The GRS will not accept a Minor Thesis. Please refer to the Ask A Librarian FAQ: How do I submit my Minor Thesis with the library Research Repository?

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